Know the feeling? No? Then, allow me to explain what CRM is...

Client Relationship Management

CRM is a fantastic tool that wraps Sales, Marketing and Customer Support all up, in one big bow. It’s the lovely little place that holds and stores your, entire client and prospective client’s details, and in turn, saves you from those blasted scrap pieces of paper you keep losing!

CRM can be utilised by your company to manage all interactions between you and your current clients and prospective clients. Meaning, you’ll have a single view of the ENTIRE process from Marketing to Sales and Sales to Customer Growth

At the heart of any business a CRM will be able to present, plan and alert, day to day activities, targets and goals.








Nurture those leads!

48% of sales people never follow up with a prospect.
That number sounds un-realistically high, right? Not when leads are getting muddled up in the masses of scrap paper notes or spreadsheets and forgotten about!

CRM is a great tool that can keep track of all your prospective leads, as you can organise them into; Cold/Warm/Hot leads and Opportunities (or however you like!)

When 80% of sales are made on the fifth - twelfth contact you simply can’t afford to not follow up on a prospect!

Not only does CRM remind you when to follow up, it also tells you how! - Create records in your CRM and add notes to remind you of all previous interactions with your contacts. That way, you will know what’s effective to each individual!

It’s just as W.Edward Deming once said -

‘If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing’

Get to know your clients! Here at Develop and Promote, we even note down tea and coffee preferences, so that the next time a client walks through our door, we have the perfect brew waiting for them.

Let’s take a look under the bonnet at your marketing funnel…

Exposure- Discovery- Consideration- Conversion- Customer Relationship- Retention
The Marketing funnel shows the process from marketing to sale to customer growth! You’ll know where you are in the funnel with every lead, using a CRM.

And it doesn’t stop there! Bonus, CRM also assists with Orders and Customer Service, by helping to organise; Invoicing, Reporting, Distribution,

Creating and Logging Tickets and evens goes all the way to Task Management and Time Control for your staff!

Bottom line (literally) CRM is GOOD. Well we certainly think so, don’t you?

Until Next Time

Caitlin - The Marketeer x






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