Easy Websites for Businesses

“I haven’t got the time to design a complicated website from scratch!”

Sound familiar? Sounds like our easy website solution might be just what you’re looking for!

Create your own business website in minutes with Easy Website. With our Easy Website service you can have your business on the Internet in minutes. You will be advertising your business 24/7 with full control and no coding experience needed. We do not have any contracts to tie you in, just a straightforward website service that is flexible for your business.

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“But I’m not a computer programmer – I wouldn’t know the first thing about setting up and running my own website!”

It is now simpler than ever to design a website that tells your next customer about your business. So how do you go about getting started? That’s where we remove the confusion. DAP Easy Website is a simple 4 step process supported by a local team of website professionals in Lincolnshire. DAP Easy Website allows you to create a simple and effective website tailored for your business in no time.

So does my business really need a website?

In a word – YEAH! In two – HELL YEAH! The business world is changing fast and now is as good a time as any to take the leap and get yourself online. A website allows customers to ‘discover’ you, and compare your business to others. If you are not online, they’ll go straight to your competition, and you’ll miss out on a valuable opportunity to attract new customers.

Not convinced? Try thinking back to the last time you searched for a company. Did you Google it? To ‘Google it’ today is what word of mouth was in the past. Sometimes we take it for granted. Customers expect you to have a website and it gives off the wrong first impression if you don’t.

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  • Flexible Set Up
  • Lots of Features
  • Monthly Payments
  • Backing of Professional Developers
  • Upgrade Anytime
  • Access to Professionals for Site Promotion (SEO)
  • 3 Days to Go Live
  • Unlimited Pages
  • Upgrade Site When Ever You Want


£ 80 Monthly

For businesses looking to establish a solid online presence, the Essential Package is your go-to solution. It includes an essential website and consultation services to guide you through the setup process. Start your journey with the fundamentals and lay the groundwork for success.

  • Standard CRM
  • Professional logo & essential website creation
  • Domain & local number included
  • 24/7 advice
  • On boarding tutorials for website creation & CRM
  • Integrate all your social media messages into one app
  • Google reviews management


£ 240 Monthly

For businesses aiming to enhance their online presence and boost lead generation, the Professional Package is perfect. It includes a professional website, review management, professional SEO, and all services from the Essentials Package. Elevate your online strategy and watch your business thrive.

  • All of the essential package, plus...
  • Advanced website creation
  • Access to our high-end CRM system
  • On boarding training for our software
  • Professional SEO
  • Chat Widget
  • Automated Google Reviews
  • Auto Missed call text back
  • Payments


£ 400 Monthly

For businesses wanting to drive growth and bring in more leads, the Premium Package offers the complete package. In addition to all the services from the Professional Package, you get a premium website (includes e-commerce), premium SEO, and content marketing. This comprehensive package is designed for exponential growth and success.

  • All of the professional package, plus...
  • 1 blog post a month, helping to drive your organic online traffic up
  • 2 social media posts a week

Start getting new customers today and grab your Easy Website now by contacting us.



Get In Touch.

01522 822520





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