Facebook Marketing through Videos


Facebook Marketing through Videos

This week Facebook made yet another big announcement regarding changes to its logarithm. I know right? They just can’t leave it alone! But, rather than something which, is going to make marketing that bit more strenuous they've decided to install a feature that will jazz up your profile.

You will all probably have your Facebook picture profile set-up on your page, (you know, the one of yourself looking a bit worse for wear), but now did you know that you can upload an actual video instead? Whilst those of you, thinking about your personal profiles may think, ‘why on earth would I do this?’ those of you with business pages should think about it in a different way; a marketing way.

I have been harping on for weeks now about the importance of video and mobile optimisation and here you can kill two birds with one stone. By 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic, according to Cisco and 64% of marketers expect video to dominate their strategies in the near future. Video is the future and now you can add it to your Facebook Business Profile too.






Video is not as complicated as it sounds, and you don’t have to be Ridley Scott to make one. Sometimes all you need is a Camera or even an iPhone (other phones are available...) then prepare yourself a script, sit in front of the camera and present your business to the world. People buy people, so seeing a face and hearing your voice really works. It also helps to retain attention which would otherwise be lost in a long text article. (Maybe I’ll vlog next week). A few tips to remember though whilst doing your presentation.



  1. Feature people. Consumers like stories and if you tell one people will listen.
  2. Don’t talk about yourself for half an hour. People aren’t interested! They want to know how your business can benefit THEM.
  3. Keep it short. You don’t have to film a feature length epic like Ben-Hur. 3 minutes will do.
  4. Uploading could not be simpler – you can do it all through YouTube now. Plus YouTube has the bonus of being part of Google which will pay dividends for your SEO. It also has its own editing software, so you can make amendments, add music and fade out the bits that went a bit iffy.

Currently, video on Facebook, can only be uploaded using an iphone, but needless to say they’ll be fixing that in the future as I’m not sure Microsoft will be overly impressed. So, NOW is the time to start preparing your scripts, sitting down, practicing and getting yourself into the video mode

If you would like to know more about recording videos, video marketing or YouTube, then please give me a call, or alternatively call on 01522 822520 and I’ll be happy to help.

Until Next Time


The Marketeer x






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