They say a picture says a thousand words... so what does video say?

Small Business and Video could you be missing out on lucrative marketing...

This week Develop and Promote got very excited about their new video software and I in particular found making them a fabulous experience.
As a marketer it is sometimes difficult to make a topic exciting, especially if it is all dry text. Video is the future and you will be noticing more and more websites using it on their homepages as a means of introduction or providing feedback through testimonials. +
The issue is, people have to take time to read, and their time is precious. This is where a video makes life so much simpler, it’s just there, ready for you to digest. This makes you are more inclined to take in the information in its interactive, fun and an easy way.
With online video quickly becoming a key means for people to satisfy their information needs, small businesses that fail to include it in their marketing do so at their own peril. 






When it comes to potential reach video is peerless. Just think about it, YouTube receives more than one billion unique visitors every month, and to add to this 1 in 3 in the UK,  view at least  1 online video per week – so that’s a weekly audience; potentially of 20 million people.
Video as a platform is naturally engaging and with a little bit of creativity you can capture a person’s attention where text or copy fails. Just think of all those great advertising campaigns by the big companies, they all invest millions into them, but it doesn’t mean you have to too. Small business can get involved for hundreds rather than thousands and produce a high quality video. It is without doubt one of the best tools for any social media campaign or SEO for that matter.


Video and Small Business: What Does it Mean for You?

So how does small business go about achieving a good video for their site? Well that’s easy and it’s where we come in! Not only can we provide you with the means of making the video, more importantly our expert team has the knowledge to direct you towards the right target audience, increasing the opportunity for business. Your business’ industry and your target market base, directly affect the tone, language and overall atmosphere of the video and its important to get it right!

Once you have the perfect video you can then share it to your heart’s delight. A great way to do this is via the usual social media channels such as, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and of course YouTube. The more you publish it the more exposure you’ll get and you’ll be amazed at how many people share video, especially if it is eye-catching and informative.



Some Stats....

So on one final note, just to reiterate the point, The Guardian has estimated recently that by ‘2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic’ and according to Cisco ‘Video-on-Demand Traffic alone will have almost trebled.’ Quite staggering statistics I think you’ll agree.
So if you need help with video and starting out on that journey why not get in touch with us and we can show you just how much it can add to your business and site.

Call 01522 822520 or contact me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Until next week x






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