Online Training

  • (Suprise!) Facebook Algorithm Changes not Good New for Marketers...

     (Surprise!) Facebook’s Algorithm Changes not Good News for Marketers & their Brands...

    In the last few weeks, Facebook has made yet another change to its algorithm (yes I know another!). This change proposes a number of questions to the marketer, such as, ‘how will the new algorithm affect the user experience’ and ‘what repercussions will there be for the social media marketer?’

    I will aim to answer them here and am always open to your own comments if you have them. So let us begin as it were. What have Facebook done exactly?

    To breifly sum it up in bullet points, Facebook have brought in 3 main changes, which, they hope will give more control to the account holder and user. These changes were announced by Facebook to enable a more balanced approach between what the user sees from friends, businesses and community organisations in their News Feed. 


    The 3 Updates

    1. The first update, introduced, will let people choose what they see FIRST in their News Feed. Prioritised posts will appear with a star displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the post.
    2. The second update means you will be able to adjust the personal settings of your account and pick your favourite posts by accessing your user preferences. In doing so Facebook aims to give users more control over their feeds themselves without outside interference. 
    3. The last major change is that there will be a relaxation of the multiple post rule. Previously, Facebook prevented you from seeing multiple posts from the same source consecutively on the timeline. This will now be changed and the same person or brand will be able to create multiple posts.


  • Password Protection and What You Need to Know About It

    Password security is a must for everyone, whether you’re a big business or a small business, or an individual. We hear it being said so often that our first reaction is to just say “duh, I know”. The reason we are taking the time to talk to you about password security is because not enough people take password security seriously. 


  • The 10 Most Powerful Back-Link Builders

    The 10 Most Powerful Back-Link Builders

    If you are anything like me, you may spend lots of time reading blogs, trying your best to pick the best and most dynamic information on SEO techniques from the myriad of information that is the Web, you’ll know how difficult it can be to get the right data. Everyone has their own ideas on what the best approach is and how much time to spend on content and other techniques such as link-building.



    Here as part of the weekly blog I have devised a list of what works best in link-building (in my opinion), collated from numerous articles and blog posts I have researched. On saying that it is not the bible of link-building but hopefully will provide you with a basis, to start the process of link-building and give you a plan which, you can implement yourself.

    So Why Link-Build?  Well, any good SEO company will tell you that 90% of your time should be based on content building, yet despite this the 10% you spend toward link-building is still important and should not be overlooked.


  • What is a Squeeze Page?

    The Landing Page v Squeeze Pages 

    orange juice fresh

    Many times I get asked the question:

    ‘What is the difference between a squeeze page and a landing page; aren’t they essentially the same thing?’ 
    Well the short answer is no, they aren’t! In fact both pages have very different functions and act in specific ways on your site. 

    Defining a Landing Page

    Let’s begin by exploring what the differences are starting off with the landing page.
    The definition of a landing page is:
    'a web page that someone lands on when they click on a link from somewhere other than your site'.
    The link could be placed on anything really, from an email to an advert on social media. But what a landing page does do is direct your potential customer to a very specific part of your site. 





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