Are you getting the most out of your team

Are you getting the most out of your team?

After watching Spanish Grand Prix it got me thinking about how to motivate our team to see a real return from an increased investment in our staff.

Labour represents on average 60% of the total overhead costs in a service industry and in many cases they are an under-utilised resource. They may get the job done but can they be adding more to the business? With margins under considerable pressure and with businesses needed to get the most from all their resources and assets perhaps it is time to question how much more value your team can help deliver.

Web development is becoming more complex and there is no doubt that a highly skilled and motivated team is essential to deliver the high levels of performance required, so what can be done to improve the team’s performance.

Perhaps a good place to start is to look at an example of a highly professional functional team like a Formula 1 racing team pit crew. They can carry out a complex pit stop in a matter of seconds. So what makes them so good? They understand the overall purpose of the team and their part within it, they are highly trained and skilled and they will be appreciated for their part in achieving the team goals.

These factors actually apply to all successful teams, but do they apply to yours? From working with numerous teams as part of the Process Improvement Team in Anglian Water, I have seen a number of areas where staff management improvements have delivered real benefits.


Understanding the business goals – if staff know the objectives in the business then it is easier for them to understand how their role helps achieve them. Sharing the plan for the business can help motivate and enthuse staff, especially if you ask them to contribute to the plan. What do they think is achievable? If the plan is to increase customer satisfaction then let them know this. Likewise if the aim is to maintain customer satisfaction and increase sales, tell them. It will prevent people doing something thinking it is right when it is actually against the business goals.


Setting clear targets – having explained the plan, give clear performance targets so staff know they are doing the job correctly and contributing to the business. Ensure targets are understood by all staff so they all know the business direction.


Keeping them involved – regular performance review meetings can often identify new solutions to problems and helps keep staff focussed. Make sure you involve everyone who impacts on performance. The graphic designer needs to understand as much about performance as the web designer. Including staff in meetings with the book keeper and consultant can also be beneficial.

Provide clear instructions – written instructions mean jobs are done consistently and can prevent problems, irrespective of who does them. For example, the hand over from sales to the development team needs to include the same information every time to save wasting time asking the customer twice. A clear written instruction can ensure this is done and removes ambiguity.

This is particularly important where relief staff are involved.


Explain why things are important – if someone understands why something is important they will do it. Why does it matter that each customer receives the same level of service? Why is it important to quality check all projects in all browsers before the customer sees it? Why we need to ensure delivery is when we said it would be?


Train them – investment in training is a good way to get more from staff, to motivate them and make them feel appreciated as well as a way to improve the skills within the team. In most cases the investment in training is repaid several times over. Also listen to what they want to do. It might be possible they are keep to learn a skill that could benefit your business, e.g. social media. Providing training could motivate them and save you money.


Let them know how they are doing – everyone wants feedback on performance. What they are doing well. What can be done better? How will you help them perform better? But feedback is a two way process. Your staff have probably got loads of good ideas so make time to listen to what they suggest.

Increasing the time invested in your team could be one of the best investments made this year.







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