Business in Lincoln understand the benefit of networking to improve profits

Business in Lincoln understand the benefit of networking to improve profits

Develop and Promote actively support referral networking. We currently hold the education co-ordinator role in the Tennyson Chapter and the Web Development slot. Below is a news article of a recent prize the group won.

Networking has long been the way most business has been conducted, but in recent years it has begun to move off the golf course and into the breakfast room.  So big has the popularity of breakfast networking become BNI Tennyson chapter, which meets every Friday 6:45 am at Yots Restaurant in Lincoln has increased its membership by 20% in just 6 short weeks, and continues to grow week on week.

“BNI is not about turning up, having a quick chat then a good breakfast; it’s about looking for potential clients for all our members as we go though our working week, so far this year we have found over £300,000 worth of additional business for our members” Commented a senior member.

The current leadership team of Wendy Spalding-Siracusa, solicitor, Graham Puntis, business Consultant, and Ted Sidebottom, office furnishings supplier, have steered the breakfast group to one of Lincolns Premier Business Groups and earned them the £1000 prize for the fastest growing team in the East Midlands, funds which are going to be ploughed straight back into benefiting the members with a new website to promote the services each one of them can offer.

So what makes BNI Tennyson work?  The membership.  Every one of them are trained and committed to finding business for each other, even though every one of them have a thriving business of their own to run, they truly believe in the ethos, “Givers Gain” I will find you business and you will want to find business for me.

If you would like any further information regarding BNI Tennyson, please visit







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