How To NOT Lose a Lead? Get an AI Chatbot with a 3D Avatar!

So yesterday I had placed an order to get some groceries delivered, made the payment and was looking forward to the delivery this morning. But guess what? Later that night I recalled, I had errands to run in the morning! Therefore, no one was home to collect the delivery! I was stressed since I had already paid, maybe I’ll need to cancel the order?


I went to the application’s support page which led me to a chatterbot. As led by the AI Chatbot, I typed in some keywords, and… that’s it! In less than a minute, I was able to reschedule the delivery using their chatterbot!

I was thankful for the AI Chatbot and could go out without having to rush back to collect the grocery on time.

Just like this, reach out to any customer care, you’ll always find yourself interacting with an AI Chatbot on their website as the first thing. And they’re programmed so well, we often never even realise that we’re talking to a bot! In fact, the majority of the time, we don’t interact with a human agent at all, throughout the case because the AI Chatbot on the websites are well equipped to solve our issues within a moment.

Is that why literally every big business is already using AI Chat Automation? Uber, PayPal and Amazon are just a few big names. As per Acquire, 1.4 Billion people across the globe are using AI Chatbot on their website. Not just big businesses but all businesses, in all shapes and sizes! Because well, as customers we all expect instant response and therefore businesses have no other option but to step up their game! Did you know, Business Insider has stated that 40% of people prefer AI Chatbots for resolution instead of virtual agents!

My question to you is, the world is already embracing and enjoying the great benefits of installing an AI Chatbot on one’s website, so… why aren’t you?

Well, for a quick introduction, AI Chatbots are your virtual assistant! This virtual assistant is programmed to chat with customers via Text or Text-to-Speech automation.


There are various advantages behind the tremendous popularity of Chatbot Software! Some of the merits are as follows:

1. Customer Satisfaction: Plenty of customers wait for an answer to a basic query, and the majority of the time they never get that answer. So many businesses lose these customers because of mere negligence. Luckily, we have got chatbot software that engages with unlimited customers simultaneously, from start to finish. Add a little personality to your AI Chatbot dialogue programming and you get a fun conversational artificial intelligence with a sense of humour but moreover, you bag more leads and sales.

AI Chatbots provide quick resolution and in some cases, can also keep the visitors entertained and amused which ensures a happy customer. As per Comm100’s survey for 2019, the average chatbot customer satisfaction rate is 87.58%! Chatbots may not handle complex issues but they can always assure the customer of an immediate response and connect with the concerned agent. 

ai chatbot

The key is: Your customers need a response before the resolution to feel seen and heard by you and your company! The AI Chatbot’s immediate response is all it really requires to retain your customers, to make them feel seen and heard and they would willingly wait till the concerned agent gets connected.


2. Quick Resolution: As customers, we all look for fast resolution. We all have a life, we all have plenty of things in our minds, and none of us have time to wait around for our dear resolution. In fact, imagine yourself in the customer’s shoe, the faster you get a resolution, the happier you’d feel! And that’s where chatbot software plays a leading role in the market. They’re designed to handle all the common issues in the snap of one’s finger! In case of any complex query, they assure the customer with some hope, detect and record their basic information and escalate the case to the concerned agent. This works in favour of both - the customer as well as the agent since it saves time and is well organized

AI Chatbot


3. 24/7/365 Service: One of the greatest benefits of having an AI Chatbot is its endless availability. This especially helps with small queries or tasks for which the customers shouldn’t have to wait till office hours.

Think of it from a business owner’s perspective! All humans require breaks and personal life, we have basic human needs, but not Chatbots! As a business owner, you’ll need to hire a group of people for different shift hours, moreover can only cater to your customer’s needs during your working hours. Sounds like you’re limiting your opportunities, really! An AI Chatbot allows you to handle queries 24/7 all year long and can engage with unlimited customers simultaneously. This ensures customer satisfaction and further, widens your net for more leads and sales! Chatbots have zero needs and only caters to ours! Therefore, a chatbot software is your go-to tool especially in the market where customers always expect an immediate reply.

AI Chatbot


4. Save money: As a business owner, one spends a lot of money and time on effective customer support and still lose many customers every week, often because of slow to no resolution at all. As per IBM, AI Chatbots save 30% of customer support cost since they effortlessly handle multiple cases at once and offer quality resolution at all times. Moreover, as per Juniper Research, Chatbots can help businesses save 2.5 billion hours by 2023. Therefore, Chatbots allow the business owner to hire fewer customer support agents and invest more in other business development opportunities.

AI Chatbot



So many benefits, right? What if I told you there is a lot more? Well, Develop and Promote is here to provide so much more! Your growth does not limit to chats only! At Develop and Promote you get chat automation as well as a 3D Avatar to host your website! Have a sophisticated and well-equipped package with everything you’ll need to aim higher in your market at very affordable prices! Moreover, creating a chatbot is so easy! Neither does one need any technical skills, nor any knowledge about coding. Creating a chatbot only requires one small code which is generated automatically once you customise your AI Chatbot. 


Get multiple tools and benefits in ONE package! Following are all the amazing tools and services you can enjoy with Develop and Promote’s A.I. Chat Bot:

AI Chatbot: Enjoy all the benefits of your AI Chatbot and score more leads and sales! Head to the settings and explore the infographics! Read through all the chats with the customer, analyse your customer response based on the buttons clicked and common keyword reply and study the pattern of queries on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Studying your customer response is important to make effective decisions for your business growth.

AI Chatbot

Use Ready-Made Chat: All Chatbots work based on a pre-programmed chat dialogue! Therefore, Develop and Promote offers you various scripts for different niches to choose from, so one doesn’t have to waste a lot of time on mapping out an effective chat dialogue, and simply get started!

AI Chatbot

Switch to Live Chat: When an agent is available to chat, our Chatbot allows the customer an opportunity to chat directly with a human agent. However, humans cannot be available 24/7 therefore when in the absence of an agent, the chatbot handles the queries and ensures all visitors are responded to with relevant solutions.

AI Chatbot

3D Avatars: Develop and Promote offers various attractive 3D Avatars to choose from, which includes appearances of both men and women attired for different niches, various age groups as well as animals!

AI Chatbot

Human-Like-Voice: All websites are full of words and pictures but no one has time to read through it all! Therefore, use the attractive 3D Avatars to directly TELL your visitors about yourself! The best part is the 3D Avatar’s voice! Its human-like voice attracts a lot of customers! Moreover, one can customize the Avatar’s voice and accent, speech pace as well as pitch! The moment someone visits your website, use this 3D avatar to grab their attention, fascinate them to spend some time at your website and without wasting time, introduce yourself!

AI Chatbot

Ready-Made Speech: Using the Text-to-Speech feature, you allow the Avatar to tell your customers why they must choose you! But it’s common for many business owners to find it hard to form the right marketing words or a sales pitch that would stand out! Therefore, Develop and Promote offers you various scripts for different niches to choose from and simply get started!

AI Chatbot

Ultimately, we’ve all dreamt about owning Iron Man’s Jarvis for our own regular tasks, haven’t we? Well, we already own the great Jarvis now!

Order your own Chatbot now and get ahead in your market! Use the 3D avatar and A.I. Chat Automation to bag every single lead, so easily and effortlessly!  At very affordable prices!

Order within the next 14 days to get the application installed for FREE which is commonly worth £159!

Want assistance with your website development and marketing? Reach out to us and we’ll be delighted to assist you! Develop and Promote has a wealth of knowledge and experience, we’ve been assisting various small and medium scale businesses for over 15 years, therefore, if you have any query regarding website development, marketing or designing, we’re always here to guide you through.





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