"My Marketing Assistant" - Why Outsourcing your Marketing could Work for You.

“Why Outsourcing your Marketing could Really Work for You!"

Time and time again I hear, “I know I should be doing something about my marketing, but I just don’t have the time.”

And they’re right of course, marketing is a time consuming process. Far be it, from just sending out a load of special offer emails and tweets, marketing actually, requires a great deal of effort and research.




Universities run whole degrees on marketing and as you can imagine it’s not as easy as just picking up a pen and paper and writing a load of ideas down. Firstly, you need to have your 'market' completely mastered, and I mean know it inside out. Any marketeer worth half their salt will tell you this is the lengthiest part, but the most important. By knowing who you're aiming your marketing at, you’ll then find the message and medium follows naturally.

So the question is, do you have the time and resources to commit to extensive market research, competition evaluation, looking at industry trends, product and service refinement and more....?

No? Then it’s time to outsource. Here are some signs you may be ready to take the leap and look at the benefits of a freelance marketing service such as, ‘MyMarketingAssistant’.

Do you have a marketing plan?

Recently we ran a very successful 'Marketing 101' course as part of our ‘Everything Business’ training program, and it’s amazing how many people don’t have a plan. Doing things on an ad-hoc basis is fine in the interim, but you need some strategy to make your marketing work for you. If you are a SME it may be you don’t have the time to sit down and plan this out, in which case, maybe you should get an expert to look at it for you. That way they will be able to create an attainable and measurable marketing plan.

Do you have the resources to do it yourself?

A lot of companies tend to do their social media themselves using Hootsuite scheduling and the like. It’s easy and it’s fun, but are you doing it correctly. Twitter and Facebook are great for chatting, but they are also an excellent source for keeping that relationship selling going. Knowing what to tweet, when and to whom is key. Engagement cannot be a one-off or once a week job, you need to keep your eye constantly on the ball. This may require some social media management from outside.

You would like to dedicate some money towards your marketing but not be tied into a contract.

I know right? Maybe you just want your social media looked at, or a Google Adwords campaign running, maybe it’s Facebook Ads, a full-on singing and dancing marketing plan or even training. Everybody’s needs are different and to accommodate this, you should choose to use an outsourcing company that can work with you on any scale and any budget.

With Develop and Promote’s “MyMarketingAssistant”, you will get just that. A marketing team of Google trained and certified experts at your disposal. We promise excellence in service and a competitive rate. By paying for work on an fixed hourly rate you pay for what you need and have a clear understanding of budget, allowing the flexibility and convenience that SMEs so regularly require.  

Of course we will be happy to explain and guide you on the process and look in-depth into what you require as part of the service. It really is marketing without the overheads and we hope that you can fit some time in to sit and have a free 1-2-1 discussion to see if we can help you and your business out. Call our friendly team on 01522 822520 or alternatively email myself Kelly, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Until Next Time

Kelly The Marketeer xx

“Celebrating 10 Years of Web and Marketing Excellence”






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