Why digital businesses are increasingly choosing to work remotely


In 2015 Microsoft released a white paper entitled, ‘Working without Walls’. It focus was the benefits of working remotely, opposed to working with an office-based environment. Since its release there has been a great deal of debate over this subject with some for and some against its research outcome. So what have we learned?



Well, Microsoft found that the top 10 benefits of working from home were (that is was):

  1. Environmentally friendlier.
  2. Employees got to spend more time with their families.
  3. It provided a less stressful environment for employees.
  4. The atmosphere was quieter.
  5. There were fewer distractions.
  6. Employees avoided stressful commutes.
  7. Employees were more productive in general.
  8. And finally, employees enjoyed a much more balanced work/home life.

As more and more businesses seek a better work-life balance and choose greater flexibility to accommodate shifting workplace priorities the working from home option is becoming increasingly viable and optimal.

The biggest uptake of home working in terms of industry sector has been from IT companies and web development agencies. Graphic design and web work is a creative area and the best work doesn’t always occur from 8-5. In order to increase productivity and enhance creative flair, large firms such as Facebook, Google and IBM have chosen to allow a policy of remote working. In fact, one executive at Facebook even noted that their entire camera app was built from an engineer’s garage.

IBM a leader in reducing employee commutes have encouraged remote working for the past two decades with 29% of their employees working from home, saving 6.4 million gallons of fuel and more than 50,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions.


As well as being part of the larger corporation’s strategies, SMEs are now witnessing the benefits of adopting the same approach. Employees explain the following reasons for why they prefer to work from home and why it’s advantageous to their lifestyle and work.

  • Flexibility – At home you can determine the ideal working environment for you. By this we’re talking, heating, light and music.
  • Fewer distractions – Unnecessary conversations with colleagues, unwarranted meetings and chatter can be avoided through working from home.
  • Less stress – By getting rid of the daily commute, workers no longer feel stressed as soon as they enter the building.
  • More productivity – By working independently workers feel less stressed, have fewer distractions and can work when they prefer, making them happier and more productive.

“Working Without Walls” surveyed over 4,000 information workers. Overall 77% indicated they had a better work/life balance. 71% said they were more productive and 79% provided out-of-hours support for customer. 


It seems, that as, technology advances, more and more firms are moving to this way of working. Why? Because happier staff make for higher productivity, enhanced creativity and a better customer service with round the clock support.

Hope you enjoyed the blog and let’s talk soon,

Kelly the Marketeer x






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