Branston Junior School sponsorship

We are delighted that Branston Junior School has accepted our offer to help them with their web site. The project has three phases.

  1. Redesign the web site so the structure reflects how the school split their information
  2. Train the staff to update areas of their web site so that the information is current
  3. Give the site a facelift to build the recognition of the school

Have a peek at the site structure as it is now before we train the staff when they are back from the summer holidays.

Branston Junior School sponsorship

We are delighted that Branston Junior School has accepted our offer to help them with their web site. The project has three phases.

  1. Redesign the web site so the structure reflects how the school split their information
  2. Train the staff to update areas of their web site so that the information is current
  3. Give the site a facelift to build the recognition of the school

Have a peek at the site structure as it is now before we train the staff when they are back from the summer holidays.

The school pupils helped to decide the template for the web site with a launch to the whole school during the Friday celebration assembly. The children were shown the web site and allowed to ask questions. Most of the questions asked where around adding more pictures and information about each club/activity.

A small group of children are putting together a video to go on the front page which introduces the school and takes you on a tour. We are looking forward to seeing the finished video so that we can convert it ready for the web site.

We have also been working with a small group to develop a computer game. We went to the school and taught the basics. We then left them for a few weeks to grow their imagination. After 3 weeks we went back to see what they had produced. We were taken back by the massive imagination the children had. We will be putting the results of the project on their web site for other children to have a look and also have a go.







Proud Sponsor of
The Bridge for Heroes


